
Wednesday, September 26, 2012


The Suaram Chronicles
The Collective Information Report Part 1 

 DATED 25/09/2012


 PG. 1

The Direct Connections with National
Endowment for Democracy (NED) &
Open Society Foundations (OSF)

SUARAM, or Suara Rakyat Malaysia, (Malay for "Voice of the Malaysian People") is a human rights organization in Malaysia created in 1987 after Operation Lalang, when 106 opposition, unions, activist leaders were detained without trial under the Internal Security Act. In 1989, the detainee support group, ISA detainees and other activist groups decided to form SUARAM, whose primary object was to campaign for the abolition of the ISA and detention without trial. SUARAM later evolved into other areas of human rights and environmental rights.

Suaram is considered one of the leading human rights organisations in Malaysia. Other general human rights organisations in Malaysia include the Penang based Aliran Kesedaran Negara (ALIRAN), HAKAM (National Human Rights Society) and many others.

Suaram has often worked with these organisations on a minimal platform of co-operation on issues such as the abolishment of the Internal Security Act (ISA) and electoral reform. The secretariat in KL also publishes an annual report on the status of civil and political rights in Malaysia since 1998[2].

 Suaram is a founding member of the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA).[3]

Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM )Type (Registered as company – Suara Inisiatif Sdn. Bhd.)
Registed Address : 433A, Jalan 5/46, Gasing Indah, 46000 Petaling Jaya, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
 Phone :  03-7784 3525    
 Non-profit NGO
Founded 5 August 1989

Headquarters Nationwide (Secretariat in Kuala Lumpur with branches in Penang and Johor Bahru)

 Key people : Kua Kia Soong (Co-Founder), K. Arumugam (Chairperson)

Services Advocacy and practice of Human Rights Method Human Rights, Environment Rights, Activism Motto Working for Human Rights

Website :
Email  :

PG. 2

•       A Human Rights NGO in Malaysia to work for a society that is peaceful, free, equal, just and sustainable by a process of empowering people and building a mass movement to uphold human rights.
•       Mission
•       SUARAM believes that only an active citizen’s movement is able to hold the government accountable for its actions. SUARAM’s role is to build awareness of human rights that lead to citizen action.

We need to maintain a society which upholds human rights as a basic benchmark because it is the only way in which citizens can be protected against discrimination, corruption, lawlessness and arbitrary abuse of powers. Human rights are safeguards that each of us possess. We wield them to demand accountability. We use them to institute checks and balances in the democratic governance of our society. We depend on them for our liberty.

We need to institute a Malaysia steeped in human rights. This includes the right to express oneself; freedom of religion; independence of the judiciary; freedom from abuse of police powers; environmental protection; the right to food, shelter, health and education.

SUARAM is here to stand with you, for human rights, be it your own, a friend’s and our society’s. Together, let us work for a better and brighter future for Malaysia.
          Company Overview
          Vision Statement:

To work for a society that is peaceful, free, equal, just and sustainable by a process of empowering people and building a mass movement to uphold human rights.

•      To donate to SUARAM and support all of our campaigns : Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd (Hong Leong Bank Berhad) - Account No: 0300 0065 200

Scorpene specifically: SUARA INISIATIF SDN BHD (Maybank Bhd), Account No - 5122 9582 0324

PG. 3

1989: The Founding Year
•    Suaram was founded on the 5th of August 1989 by several Operation Lalang detainees, lawyers, as well as family members of these ISA detainees. The aims and objectives were set forth in the founding statement, where the protection and promotion of human rights and the development of public awareness being the areas that needed to be addressed in Malaysia [4].
•   The newly fledged organisation also organized a fund raising dinner on the 9th of September at the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall and sold its first publication: "The Why? Papers," which was a critique of the Malaysian Government's "White Paper on the October 1987 affair." SUARAM also began to compile a database of ISA cases since the 1960s and worked on "Knowing your Rights" leaflets [5].

PG. 4 

The 1990s: Building Coalitions (From Wikipedia)
SUARAM officially moved into a permanent location in Petaling Jaya by April 1990 and formed a secretariat to plan and execute policies and plans of action. Subcommittees were soon formed to produce leaflets about SUARAM. During that same year, SUARAM joined forces with other NGOs including Aliran and Selangor Graduate Society in signing a joint statement calling for the release of all ISA detainees. [6]
By 1991, SUARAM had also moved into the developmental state of a "Malaysia Charter of Human Rights," once again working with other human rights organisations in Malaysia. A Handbook for Families of ISA Detainees was also launched in October 1991, and soon after, SUARAM was invited to become a founding member of the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM ASIA) in December 1991[7].
In 1993, SUARAM and other Human Rights organisations finally saw the Malaysian Charter of Human Rights come into being. The following year saw SUARAM forming a Support Committee for Indigenous Peoples especially to highlight the plight of affected communities in the Bakun Area in Sarawak. A Human Rights education and training committee was also formed to help in the training of trainers for Human Rights and Development[8].
1995 saw the launch of the "Stop Bakun Dam Campaign" coalition where SUARAM and 40 other Malaysian NGOs came together to mobilize public support against the Bakun Dam project, and to support the indigenous communities affected by the dam project. Many aspects of the project, including the lack of consultation and secrecy, were raised by these NGOs. Fact finding missions were also organized by the Coalition and a report was issues in 1999. Due to the fact finding missions and campaigns against the Bakun Dam project, many key SUARAM members including director Kua Kia Soong and former executive director Cynthia Gabriel have since been barred by the Sarawak State Government from entering Sarawak [9].
SUARAM also took part in the East Timor Conference in 1996, where Human Rights organisations in Malaysia once again came together to discuss the political situation in East Timor. However, the conference was disrupted by members of Youth Wings from the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition, and activists and protesters from both sides were eventually arrested during the incident [10].
In 1998, SUARAM and other Malaysian NGOs organised the Asia-Pacific People's Assembly (APPA) with the theme "Confronting Globalisation: Reasserting People's Rights" in response to the APEC leaders meeting being held at the same time in Malaysia. APPA helped SUARAM and other NGOs in the region to build coalitions, educate activists and furthered the discussion of the effects of globalization in the Asia-Pacific. Malaysia's human rights record was highlighted by SUARAM during this Assembly [11]. That year also saw the launch of SUARAM's annual Human Rights Report, which continues to be published to this day [2].
To cap the successful end of the decade for SUARAM, the secretariat finally launched its first autonomous branch outside of Kuala Lumpur, with SUARAM Johor Bahru being launched at a forum on the 10th April 1999. The branch in Johor Bahru has its own monitoring and documentation unit, a media unit, an issue response unit and a campaigning unit. A coordinator was also appointed and funded by headquarters in KL, and also developed its own secretariat[12].

pg. 5

2000s: Expansion (From Wikipedia)
The beginning of 2000 saw the Selangor State Government announcing a plan to build a dam across the Sungai Selangor at Kuala Kubu Baru. Two major public gatherings were soon organised by SUARAM and other NGOs, and these organisations later formed the SOS Selangor coalition against the dam [13]. During that same year, SUARAM also organised a nation conference on "People before Profits: Asserting the Rights of Communities in Malaysian Development" on 4-5 November 2000. This conference saw the gathering of communities across Malaysia who have been victims of unsustainable development[14].
2002 saw SUARAM branching up north to the state of Penang after a positively received training workshop for students. The organisation followed the same organisational structure used in Johor Bahru, quickly finding itself being involved in a coalition against the Penang Outher Right Road project. The Penang Branch was officially launched on the 10th of December 2002. Since 2002, SUARAM Penang has been actively working with NGOs on local issues, has published its own newsletter and organized many forums and conferences[15].
By 2006, SUARAM saw itself expanding into the areas of refugee rights and local democracy. Special desks were set up at SUARAM HQ, where full-time coordinators were appointed for these areas of human rights work [16]. A "Green Desk" was also set up but currently lacks a full-time coordinator to handle environmental issues. Nevertheless, SUARAM has continued to be involved with environmental issues and has attended international environmental conferences and conferences in support of environmental rights[17].
Some of the key campaigns that are synonymous with SUARAM are
I.Campaign against the Internal Security Act and detention without trial
II.Right to Justice
III.Police reforms; and
IV.Freedom of Expression, Assembly and Association.

pg. 6


Organisational Structure
1) SUARAM's present Executive Director is Yap Swee Seng.
2) Other Key activists that are and/or have been associated 
    with SUARAM include:-
a)Dr. Kua Kia Soong (former Member of Parliament)
b)Fan Yew Teng (former Member of Parliament)
c)Sivarasa Rasiah, Member of Parliament for Subang
d)Julian Jayaseelan - the 1st Coordinator
e)Charles Hector - the 2nd Coordinator
f)Lee Siew Hwa - the 3rd Coordinator
g)Irene Fernandez (now of Tenaganita and Caram Asia)
h)Bruno Gentil Pereira
i)Dr Syed Husin Ali (now Deputy President of Parti Keadilan  
j)Tian Chua, Member of Parliament for Batu, Kuala Lumpur
k)S. Arutchelvan (now Secretary-General of Parti Sosialis  
   Malaysia and Local Councillor, MPKJ)
l)Elizabeth Wong - a former Coordinator, now State  
   assemblyman in Selangor
m)Cynthia Gabriel - a former Coordinator, now with  Caram 
    Asia, and Local Councillor, MBPJ
n)Premesh Chandran (of Malaysiakini)
o)Irene Xavier - (Sahabat Wanita)
p)Dr. Nasir Hashim -(now President of Parti Sosialis  
    Malaysia and State assemblyman in Selangor)

pg. 7

The Connection:
Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) is a membership-based human rights organization "comitted to the promotion and protection of all human rights including the right to development".[1] They were founded in 1991 in Manila, and are now based in GenevaSwitzerland. Their Secretariat has been located in BangkokThailand since 1994. FORUM-ASIA currently have 46 member organizations from 17 countries across Asia. They issue several publications, including the quarterly newsletter Asian Human Rights Defender.
FORUM-ASIA mission is to "empower people by advocating social justice, sustainable human development, participatory democracy, gender equality, peace and human security through collaboration and cooperation among human rights organisations in the region."[2] Amnesty International has called FORUM-ASIA "Southeast Asia’s pre-eminent human rights organization".[3]
In 1995 FORUM-ASIA published Indonesia: 50 Years After Independence - Stability and Unity on a Culture of Fear, a report on Indonesian human rights issues since their independence from Dutch colonial rule. While the report was criticized as showing a Western perspective towards Asian issues, this was, "the first time that a human rights report concerning an Asian country has been prepared and published by a regional organization in Asia."[4]
FORUM-ASIA has worked with several other human rights organizations over the years. Since 2004 FORUM-ASIA has had Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.[5] FORUM-ASIA also serves on the Steering Committee of the Coalition for the International Criminal Court. They are a regional partner of Southeast Asia Regional Cooperation in Human Development (SEARCH).[6] FORUM-ASIA has issued several joint statements with Amnesty International, Cairo Institute and other human rights organizations. [7] [8] [9]


Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development  (Continue)

Member Organizations
Resource Integration Center (RIC)
Madaripur Legal Aid Association (MLAA)
Ain O Salish Kendra (ASK)
Human Rights Education Institute of Burma (HREIB)
Cambodia League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO)
South India Cell for Human Rights Education and Monitoring
Dalit Foundation
Friend's Association for Rural Reconstruction (FARR)
Rural Development Society (RDS- LRSA)
Indonesia’s NGO Coalition for International Human Rights Advocacy –Human Rights Working Group (HRWG)
Inisiatif Masyarakat Partisipatif untuk Transisi Berkeadilan (IMPARSIAL)
Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia (PBHI)
Sekretariat Anak Merdeka Indonesia (SAMIN)
Komisi Untuk Orang Hilang dan Korban Tindak Kekerasan (KONTRAS)
Yayasan Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Indonesia (YLBHI)
Citizens' Council for Human Rights Japan
Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM)
Education and Research Association for Consumer (ERA Consumer)
Center for Human Rights and Development (CHRD)
Globe International
Community Self Reliance Center (CSRC)
Women's Welfare Society (WWS)
Informal Sector Service Center (INSEC)
Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP)
Tanggol-Kalikasan-Public Interest Environmental Law Office
PILIPINA Legal Resources Center (PLRC)
Philippines Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (PAHRA)
Paralegal Training and Services Center
Paglingkod Batas Pangkapapatiran Foundation (PBPF)
Think Centre
People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD)
Korean House for International Solidarity (KHIS)
Information Monitor (INFORM)
Community Trust Fund (CTF)
Taiwan Association for Human Rights (TAHR)
Perkumpulan Hukum, Hak Asasi dan Keadilan (HAK Association)
People's Empowerment

pg. 9

Press Release 1 : Suaram Dedah 
Sumber Pembiayaannya ( BERNAMA)

KUALA LUMPUR: Pengarah Suara Rakyat 
Malaysia (Suaram), Kua Kia Soong pada 
Selasa mendedahkan bahawa pertubuhan 
bukan kerajaan (NGO) itu menerima dana 
dari negara asing dan individu di seluruh 
negara.Beliau berkata Suaram, NGO hak 
asasi manusia, kini dibiayai beberapa 
negara seperti Amerika Syarikat, Finland 
dan Kanada dan beberapa negeri di 
Malaysiaselain sumbangan daripada 
individu. Bagaimanapun, Kua yang 
mempertahankan mengenai isu 
pembiayaan itu merahsiakan jumlah yang 
diterima Suaram sehingga hari ini serta 
penyumbang dana dan penaja utama
"Adakah saya perlu memberitahu anda dari 
mana dana itu datang? Kenapa semua 
orang ingin tahu dari mana dana kami?," 
soal Kua pada majlis pelancaran Laporan 
Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia 2011, di sini.

Beliau turut mempersoalkan wartawan 
tempatan akhbar harian Melayu sama ada 
mereka mengetahui sumber pembiayaan 
akhbar mereka. Kua turut menggesa mana-
mana pihak yang tidak berpuas hati dengan 
Suaram agar membuat laporan polis. Pada 
Julai, Suaram selaku peranannya sebagai 
sebuah NGO bebas telah dipersoalkan 
berikutan menerima peruntukan tahunan 
secara konsisten dari 'National Endowment 
for Democracy' (NED) yang berpangkalan di 
Amerika Syarikat, sejak 2006. Menurut 
portal AIDC, seperti dinyatakan dalam 
laporan tahunan NED, Suaram menerima 
sejumlah US$385,000 (RM1,218,328.65) 
bagi tahun 2006, 2007, 2008 dan 
2009.Selain Suaram, NGO Malaysia yang 
turut dibiayai seperti disenaraikan NED 
termasuk International Republican Institute, 
National Democratic Institute for 
International Affairs, Southeast Asian Press 
Alliance, Centre for Independent 
Journalism, Open Dialogue Centre, Mkini 
Dot Com dan beberapa yang lain. Sebelum 
ini, dilaporkan secara meluas bahawa 
Suaram tidak pernah didaftarkan sebagai 
NGO dengan Pendaftar Pertubuhan 
sebaliknya hanya didaftarkan sebagai 
sebuah syarikat atas nama, Suara Inisiatif 
Sdn Bhd dengan modal berbayar RM2 juta
Sejak itu, Suaram membisu mengenai 
dakwaan status pertubuhan serta sumber 
dana pembiayaannya- BERNAMA

Pg. 10

Suaram dicabar jelaskan dana kewangan
MEDAN 22 Sept. - Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram) dicabar untuk menafikan pertubuhan itu menerima sumbangan kewangan daripada Open Society Institute yang diasaskan oleh penyangak mata wang antarabangsa, George Soros.
Cabaran itu dibuat oleh Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob yang mahu Suaram tampil menjelaskan kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia mengenai dana yang diterima mereka.
"Saya cabar suaram nafikan mereka terima wang daripada Open Society Institute yang dipunyai oleh Soros.
"Mereka tidak boleh menafikan menerima wang kerana sudah ada perjanjian antara Open Society dengan Suaram," kata Ismail Sabri kepada wartawan selepas merasmikan Paviliion Malaysia, di sini hari ini.
Beliau mengulas pendedahan akhbar kelmarin mengenai dana asing yang diterima secara konsisten Suaram sejak 2005 hingga 2011 iaitu sebanyak RM1.6 juta daripada National Endowment for Democracy (NED) dan RM845,835 daripada Open Society Institute (OSI) yang diasaskan penyangak mata wang, George Soros.
Malah akhbar turut mendedahkan, peguam Perancis yang mewakili Suaram bagi memfailkan saman pemula ke atas pembuat kapal selam pertama negara dari kelas Scorpene iaitu syarikat DCNS juga dipercayai dibiayai menerusi dana asing yang diterima pertubuhan tersebut.
Menurut Ismail Sabri, dakwaan kononnya kerajaan BN paranoid juga sesuatu yang tidak masuk akal kerana persoalan yang perlu dijawab Suaram ialah menafikan dana mereka ditaja oleh Soros.
Ismail Sabri sebelum ini membuat pendedahan bahawa tajaan dana asing yang diterima oleh Suaram berdasarkan siasatan rapi yang dilakukan.
"Tidak timbul isu BN paranoid atau tidak. Soalnya ialah adakah mereka (Suaram) menerima wang sumbangan daripada Soros, itu yang perlu diakui," tegas beliau.
Suaram juga jelas Ismail Sabri, telah melanggar undang-undang negara kerana tidak mendaftar pertubuhan itu mengikut lunas undang-undang negara.
"Terang-terang Suaram melanggar undang-undang negara kerana tidak berdaftar sedangkan Akta Pertubuhan jelas mengatakan tidak ada mana-mana pertubuhan boleh menjalankan aktiviti kalau mereka tidak berdaftar.
"Sudahlah melanggar undang-undang, siap ada perjanjian lagi dengan orang asing. Ini jelas satu penipuan yang mahu mengelirukan sesiapa sahaja," kata Ismail Sabri. - Mingguan Malaysia


The Grants Receiver in 
International  Republican Institute
To assist political parties and their associated think tanks in being effective representatives of their constituencies, the International Republican Institute will provide trainings and support to help them define and convey clear, issue-based identities and messages based on the use of public opinion research, consultations and trainings
Lawyers for Liberty
To protect and promote human rights and access to justice. Lawyers for Liberty will build a network of lawyers interested in the protection of human rights and conduct a range of activities such as legal rights and empowerment trainings, public information campaigns, and strategic litigation
Liberal Banter Sdn Bhd
To provide the Malaysian public, especially young Malaysians, with a forum to discuss critical social and political issues. Liberal Banter will organize a voter education project on issues that are often ignored both by the electorate and politicians during election campaigns as well as conduct a research project on Malaysian electoral laws in an effort to develop recommendations on reforms to ensure that elections are free and fair
Merdeka  Center  for Opinion Research
To provide policy makers and civil society representatives with public opinion research that can be used to formulate policies and programs in Malaysia. The
Merdeka Center for Opinion Research will conduct four public opinion surveys across peninsular Malaysia in an effort to gauge the Malaysian public's opinion on a variety of public policy issues.
Mkini Dotcom Sdn Bhd ( MalaysiaKini Publisher )
To strengthen independent media in Malaysia.
Mkini Dotcom Sdn Bhd will support an online media outlet that provides professional and responsible coverage of issues and news often ignored or distorted by the mainstream media.
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
To encourage greater fairness in the electoral process, to improve the capacity of civil society groups to assess electoral redistricting efforts and to advocate for electoral reforms. The Institute's assistance would foster open discourse on legislative and governmental priorities and would encourage both parliamentarians and political parties to be more transparent and democratic in their respective procedures or activities.
Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd ( Suaram )
To promote human rights in Malaysia.
Suaram will organize human rights campaigns on the issues of the Internal Security Act, the right to trial, and refugees. Suaram will also continue to issue its annual survey and evaluation of the human rights situation in Malaysia.
The grant listings posted here are from the 2011 Annual Report ( Official Report from NED Website )
National Endowment for Democracy
1025 F Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20004 / (202)

PG. 12

How to apply the 
NED Grants 

Applying for a NED Grant
To apply for a grant, please read through the following information about the NED Grants Program and important dates and deadlines, then read How to Apply.
About the NED Grants Program
Each year the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) makes direct grants to hundreds of nongovernmental organizations worldwide working to advance democratic goals and strengthen democratic institutions.
In 2012, NED funded about 1236 projects in 92 countries around the world. Grant amounts vary depending on the size and scope of the projects, but the average grant lasts 12 months and is around $50,000.
Who NED Funds
NED funds only nongovernmental organizations, which may include civic organizations, associations, independent media, and other similar organizations.
NED encourages applications from organizations working in diverse environments including newly established democracies, semi-authoritarian countries, highly repressive societies and countries undergoing democratic transitions.
NED does not make grants to individuals, governmental bodies, or state-supported institutions such as public universities.
What Types of Programs NED Supports
NED is interested in proposals from local, independent organizations for nonpartisan programs that seek to:
Promote and defend human rights and the rule of law
Support freedom of information and independent media
Strengthen democratic ideas and values
Promote accountability and transparency
Strengthen civil society organizations
Strengthen democratic political processes and institutions
Promote civic education
Support democratic conflict resolution
Promote freedom of association
Strengthen a broad-based market economy
All proposed projects must be consistent with NED’s general purposes as outlined in theNED Statement of Principles and Objectives.
For more information on the types of programs NED supports in each region, please seeWhere We Work.
How Funding Decisions Are Made
Decisions are made on a quarterly basis by the NED Board of Directors. The Board considers the following factors:
how a program fits within the Endowment's overall priorities,
its relevance to specific needs and conditions in a particular country,
the democratic commitment and experience of the applicant.
Dates and Deadlines
Upcoming Board of Directors meeting dates and proposal submission deadlines are as follows:
  Proposal Submission Deadline  Board of Directors Meeting  September 28, 2012 (Africa)
  October 5, 2012 (all other regions)
  January 11, 2013
  January 18, 2013
  March 28, 2013
  April 5, 2013
  June 14, 2013
  June 21, 2013
  September 10, 2013
Proposals submitted after the deadline will be considered at the following Board Meeting.
Application Requirements
All applications must include the following items:
Proposal Cover Sheet
This form collects basic organizational information.
Proposal Narrative
This is the written description of the project you would like to conduct with NED funds. Please follow the 
Proposal Guidelines. You may prepare the Proposal Narrative in English or your local language. Proposals should be approximately 10 pages in length.
Interim Assessment (for renewal proposals only)
This is an assessment of your organization’s previous NED grant, if any. It should be included as part of the proposal narrative.
Proposal Budget
This is the financial description of the project you would like to conduct with NED funds and should correspond to the activities in the Proposal Narrative. Please follow the 
Additional Guidance and use the Budget Template whenever possible.
Registration Documents (if applicable)
Please include your Certificate of Registration or other documentation showing the legal status of your organization.
If your organization is not registered, this documentation is not required. Instead, please include an explanation (in the Proposal Cover Sheet) as to why your organization is not registered and the status of any pending applications for registration.
How to Apply
Prepare all of the materials listed above in Application Requirements.
When ready, click below to begin the online application process. You will be asked to create a user account for your organization. If you have previously applied online, you may log in using your organization’s existing account.
To apply by email:
Send all of the application materials by email to
To apply by post:
Send all of the application materials to
National Endowment for Democracy:
Attn: Grant Proposals
1025 F Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20004 USA
To apply by fax:
+1 (202) 378-9407
Need Help?
If you need help with the proposal requirements or the online application system,
If you have questions about your project and NED’s grant program, contact NED regional staff at the following addresses:
Africa:africaproposals@ned.orgAsiaasiaproposals@ned.orgEurope:europe-eurasia@ned.orgEurasia:europe-eurasia@ned.orgLatin America & Caribbean:lacproposals@ned.orgMiddle East & North Africa:menaproposals@ned.orgGlobal:globalproposals@ned.orgIf you want to speak with someone, you may call NED at +1 (202) 378-9700.

Bersambung ke Part 2 - Admin Anaknilai

Saturday, September 22, 2012

shalehudin: TERKINI: AS tahan lelaki suspek hina NABI

shalehudin: TERKINI: AS tahan lelaki suspek hina NABI: Seorang lelaki disyaki menghasilkan filem Innocense of Muslims dibawa keluar dari rumahnya oleh pihak berkuasa AS, semalam. – Foto ihsan ... anaknilai

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